Running time: 100 mins
Set in the heart of the Jura, a rural region known for its dairy cows, agricultural festivals, and delicate Comt cheese and where Totone spends his youth, mainly just hanging out with his friends. But after his fathers tragic accident, Totone will have to stand on his own two feet and support himself and his little sister. To this end, he decides to make the most delicate cheese and to hold his own against tough local competition. An unexpected audience hit at this years Cannes Film Festival, Holy Cow excels thanks to its graceful direction and authentic performances from its young non-actors. First-time director Louise Courvoisier tells a familiar story from the region where she grew up with a heartfelt honesty and introduces audiences to its cheese-making culture. Cannes Un Certain Regard Youth Prize Cast Clment Faveau, Luna Garret, Mawene Barthelemy, Dimitry Baudry, Armand Sancey
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